”With its innovative approaches and international networks, the German Maritime Museum offers me optimal research conditions.“
Current position
Field of research
Blue Economy and Sustainable Development
Cultural Studies of work and organization
Cultural Studies
Curriculum Vitae
since 2022 | Deputy Head of Program „Seafaring and Society” |
since 2020 | Postdoc at the German Maritime Museum |
2015 - 2019 | Doctorate on "Changing work cultures: shipyards under the influence of migration and globalisation" at the German Maritime Museum and the University of Bremen |
2014 | Consultant at the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) in Geneva (Switzerland) |
2012-2014 | Consultant at the ZEIT Foundation Ebelin and Gerd Bucerius in Hamburg |
2012 | M.A., Applied Cultural Studies at the Leuphana University Lüneburg, title of the master's thesis "Constructions of Muslim women in the media: A discourse-analytical investigation of the magazine 'Stern'". |
2008-2012 | Research Associate at the Science department of the Körber Foundation in Hamburg |
Scientific publications
Bothe, Katharina 2020. Arbeitskulturen im Wandel. Werften, Migration, Globalisierung. Campus: Frankfurt A.M./New York.
Peer-reviewed Articles:
Bothe, Katharina & Decker-Lange, Carolin 2022. Globalization from below: Labor inequality in the German shipbuilding industry, 1960-2000. Enterprise and Society, p. 1-26, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/eso.2022.27
Bothe, Katharina & Decker-Lange, Carolin 2021. Globalization from Below: Labor Inequality at German Shipyards, 1960-2000. Academy of Management Proceedings, Vol. 2021 No. 1, DOI https://doi.org/10.5465/AMBPP.2021.11570abstract
Bothe, Katharina & Decker-Lange, Carolin (2021): Historiography in Management Research: Studying the German Shipbuilding from Below, British Academy of Management Conference, Track Research Methodology, 2021.
Bothe, Katharina & Decker-Lange, Carolin 2020. Technological Innovation and Globalization: Labour Inequality at German Shipyards, 1960-2000. British Academy of Management, Conference Proceedings ISBN: 978-0-9956413-3-4.
Other Articles:
Bothe, Katharina & Wolf, Johanna 2021. „Integration durch Arbeit?”: Migranten und die Gewerkschaft am Beispiel der westdeutschen Werftindustrie, 1960-1983 In: Sozial.Geschichte Online, Nr. 30, pp 29-70, DOI: 10.17185/duepublico/74946.
Bothe, Katharina 2020. Arbeitsmigration im Schiffbau des 20. Jahrhundert. In: Deutsche Schifffahrt 2.2020.
Further Contributions:
Bothe, Katharina 2022. Rezension. Sarah Graber Majchrzak: Arbeit – Produktion – Protest. Die Leninwerft in Gdansk und die AG „Weser“ in Bremen im Vergleich (1968 – 1983). Zeitschrift für Ostmitteleuropa Bd. 71 Nr. 3.DOI: https://doi.org/10.25627/202271311247
Bothe, Katharina 2021. Sustainability and the Blue Economy: Communication and Knowledge Transfer across Disciplines and Stakeholders. In: H-Soz-Kult, 6.12.2021
Bothe, Katharina 2021. Conference Report. From Ship to Coast: Blue Economy and Sustainable Livelihood
Bothe, Katharina 2020. From Ship to Coast: Blue Economy and Sustainable Livelihood. In: H-Soz-Kult, 26.07.2020
Exhibition projects
Exhibition unit "Labour Migration in Shipbuilding" in the section "Players in Shipbuilding" in the context of the new conception of the exhibition in "Bangert Building"
Exhibition module on shipbuilding as part of the exhibition "Einfach Wissenswert: Sozialwissenschaften: Ich & Die Anderen" of the House of Sciences in Bremen (2016)
DAAD – Scholarship and Visiting Scholar (2022), University of Cambridge
Visiting Member of High Table (2022), Newnham College, University of Cambridge
Journal of Management History Award for Best International Paper, Academy of Management (AOM) 2021, New York
Best Developmental Paper Award: Management and Business History, British Academy of Management (BAM) Conference in the Cloud 2020
DAAD – Visiting Scholar (2016), Observer Research Foundation, India
Postdoc - Representative at the German Maritime Museum
Leibniz PhD Network (former PhD representative at the museum)
Research projects
-Cruising across Centuries: Social Inequality and Employment at Sea
The research project explores the historic and current ruptures that foster social inequality in the cruise business.
Online Workshop on “Sustainability and the Blue Economy"
The German Maritime Museum (DSM) / Leibniz Institute for Maritime History and the Open University Business School are co-organizing the online workshop "Sustainability and the Blue Economy: Communication and Knowledge Transfer across Disciplines and Stakeholders" on 4 March 2022.
Arbeitswelten und Migration auf Werften
"Work Cultures in Transition. Shipyards, Migration, Globalization". Dr. Katharina Bothe's dissertation has now been published under this title by Campus-Verlag.