Looking in from the Edge
How far did the trade relations of Bremen and Hamburg merchants extend into the North Atlantic region? As far as islands north of Scotland, where a team from the DSM recently re-examined the gravestones of two Bremen Hanseatic merchants from the 16th century. The historians and archaeologists from the DSM and British cooperation partners are uncovering traces on the Shetland and Orkney Islands and will present them in the traveling exhibition "ON AND ON - The Hanseatic League in the North Atlantic" starting in spring 2023. In addition to the findings of international trade relations, scientific methods will also be conveyed, showing more about the beginnings of globalization.
Current research on the Hanseatic League is ongoing in the project "Looking in from the Edge" and can be read in the project blog. There, curator Dr. Bart Holterman also regularly answers questions that visitors leave at the question fence in the exhibition.
More information on the predecessor project "Between the North Sea and the North Sea".

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Credit: Daniel Raboldt und Cameron Carroll

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Credit: Daniel Raboldt und Cameron Carroll

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Credit: Daniel Ramboldt und Cameron Carroll