Marleen von Bargen

"Maritime heritage tells us a lot about the opportunities and challenges of our present. We tell these stories by making maritime research visible in exhibitions and by giving our objects a voice."

Marleen von Bargen, PhD, Scientific curator


About the person

Dr. Marleen von Bargen is a historian and has been working as a scientific curator at the German Maritime Museum (DSM), Leibniz Institute for Maritime History in Bremerhaven since 2017. Before that, she completed a scientific traineeship at the DSM. Since 2015 she has been involved in many exhibition and transfer projects. She is currently working on the implementation of the new permanent exhibitions in the DSM.

Her research interests are on political cultural history and the maritime history of the 19th and early 20th centuries (especially passenger shipping) as well as the history of sea rescue. Since her work is related to science, collection and transfer Marleen von Bargen works interdepartmentally and participates also in other projects. Another focus of her work is the implementation of accessibility.


Current projects

  • Permanent exhibition in the extension building of the DSM (Bangert-Building)
  • Exhibition concepts and design for the Scharoun-Building (together with Christoph Geiger and Deike Reddig)
  • "Cultural Participation in the Museum - the Potential of Digitalisation" (DSM as Social Living Lab). A cooperation with the Ostfalia University, Wolfenbüttel and the Lebenshilfe Bremerhaven (part of the Leibniz ScienceCampus „Postdigital Participation“)



Photo: DSM

Dr. Marleen von Bargen

+49 471 482 07 831


Curriculum Vitae

From 2017

Scientific curator at the DSM

2015 ­– 2016

Scientific volunteer at the DSM


Doctorate in Medieval and Modern History at the University of Hamburg with the work Anna Siemsen (1882-1951) and the Future of Europe. Political Concepts between Empire and Federal Republic

2013 – 2014

Final scholarship of the Research and Science Promotion of the University of Hamburg for the dissertation project

2010 – 2013

Research assistant at the Department of History at the University of Hamburg within the framework of the DFG project Nation and Europe Writing. Else Frobenius and Anna Siemsen as political publicists from 1914 to 1950

2002 – 2009

Studied history (Magistra Artium) and the subsidiary subjects of modern German literature and art history at the University of Hamburg


Together with Ulrike Heine: „Change Now! Schiffe verändern die Welt“. Sonderausstellung im Bangert-Bau ab Winter 2021/2022, in: Deutsche Schiffahrt 43 (2), 2021, p. 15-19.

IMPERATOR und Germania. Repräsentationen maritimer Herrschaft im Objekt, in: Priesterjahn, Maike im Auftrag der DGSM (ed.): Das Schiff als Thema der Moderne. Schiff und Zeit – Panorama maritim, Beiheft 1 der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Schiffahrts- und Marinegeschichte e.V., Bonn 2020, p. 60-84.

Together with Martin P.M. Weiß: „Sea Changes – Welt und Meer im Wandel“. Eine Sonderausstellung am DSM zu den Auswirkungen des Klimawandels, in: Deutsche Schiffahrt 42 (1), 2020, p. 18-20.

Review about Dagmar Bellmann: Von Höllengefährten zu schwimmenden Palästen. Die Passagierschifffahrt auf dem Atlantik 1840–1930, Frankfurt/Main 2015 and Douglas R. Burgess: Engines of Empire. Steamships and the Victorian Imagination. Stanford 2016, in: Technikgeschichte 85 (2018), Heft 3, p. 227-230.

“In Stürmen treu!” – eine Fahne und ihre Geschichte. Die Fahne des „Vereins der Heizer und Kohlenzieher Bremerhavens und Umgegend“ im Deutschen Schifffahrtsmuseum, in: Niederdeutsches Heimatblatt Nr. 827 (November 2018), p. 1-2.

„Mensch & Meer“ und ein Schiffswrack aus dem Mittelalter. Die neue Ausstellung zur ,Bremer Kogge‘ im Deutschen Schiffahrtsmuseum, Bremerhaven, in: Nr. 29, 02/2017, p. 6-18.

Anna Siemsen (1882-1951) und die Zukunft Europas. Politische Konzepte zwischen Kaiserreich und Bundesrepublik (Studien zur modernen Geschichte, Bd. 62), Stuttgart 2017. (Dissertation)

„Durch der Stürme böses Wetter…“. Die Neugestaltung der Ausstellungseinheit Seenotrettung im Deutschen Schiffahrtsmuseum, Bremerhaven, anlässlich des 150-jährigen Bestehens der Deutschen Gesellschaft zur Rettung Schiffbrüchiger, Bremerhaven 2015.

Completed projects

Special exhibition „Change Now! Ships change the world“ (02/2022)

Special exhibition „Sea Changes – World & Sea in Transition“ (11/2019)

Exhibition around the ‚Bremen Cog’ (03/2017)

Exhibit on the topic „From cogs to container vessels“ for the travelling exhibition on MS WISSENSCHAFT in the Science Year 2016*17 „Seas and Oceans“

Interactive exhibit on the subject „Container“ for the travelling exhibition on MS WISSENSCHAFT in the Science Year 2015 „City of the Future“

Exhibition „130 Years of Lighthouse Roter Sand“ (10/2015)

Special exhibition „Ships tell museum (hi)story(s) (09/2015), Curator: Dr. Sonja Kinzler

Exhibition „Durch der Stürme böses Wetter…“. Exhibition about sea rescue in the DSM on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the German Maritime Search and Rescue Service (05/2015)

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